Dave Palmer

Retired, a volunteer guide at The Georgian Theatre Royal in Richmond, North Yorkshire for about 10 years. I also do talks on the Richmond Theatre for groups, WI, Probus, etc. I have been involved in research projects in the Richmond Theatre’s history.

Contact Email Address: dave.palmer3@zoho.com

Research Interests


I am continually researching the history of The Georgian Theatre Royal in Richmond, trying to fill in the all too many unknowns. This has led to a general interest in the history of Georgian theatres. I am particularly interested in the period between 1737 and 1788 when theatre was supposed to be confined to theatres with a Royal Patent or under licence from the Lord Chamberlain. In fact, the more I research, the more theatres I find that were openly operating outside those constraints, from giving “free” performances in between legal musical performances to openly flaunting the law with the apparent approval of local dignitaries.