Vol. 48, No. 3
pp121-176, 1994
Shakespeare's Roles for Children: A Stage History
Ann Blake
Casting the Coventry Weavers' Pageant
Margaret Rogerson
Charles II, The Theatre Patentees and the Actors' Nursery
Robert D. Freeburn
An Opening at Leeds in 1873: Tom Taylor's Arkwright's Wife
Tim Fort
Tom Taylor anad Mr Davies of Warrington
Martin Banham
There were no book reviews in this issue
Shakespeare’s Roles for Children: A Stage History –§– Casting the Coventry Weavers’ Pageant –§– Charles II, The Theatre Patentees and the Actors’ Nursery –§– An Opening at Leeds in 1873: Tom Taylor’s Arkwright’s Wife–§– Tom Taylor and Mr Davies of Warrington.
Can Anyone Help?
Medieval Puppet Shows
The Harry Greatorex Music Hall Database
“Raising the Intermediate Question”
Research Facilities at the Theatre Museum
Commedia Dell’ Arte
Howard Barker’s Arguments for a Theatre
Stage by Stage. Sixty Years of Theatre in Market Harborough, by Henry arthur Jones
Surplus Population and the Poor Law Bill, by William Cobbett
Drama Today, by Micheline Wandor
The Theatres of Stratford-Upon-Avon, 1875-1992, by Marian J. Pringle
The New Zealand Stage 1891-1900, by John Thomson