Vol. 38, No. 1

pp1-48, 1984


  1. New Light on the Theatre From Wit and Mirth: or, Pills to Purge Melancholy

    Carolyn Kephart

  2. "An Awful Look Upward": Garrick's Advice on Delivering the Service of Common Prayer

    Derek Forbes

  3. The Troublesome Play: A Promptbook for Oroonoko

    Leo Hughes and A. H. Scouten

  4. Stage Lighting at the Elizabethan and Early Stuart Courts

    R. B. Graves

  5. The Case of the Recusant Acrobat

    Barry Russell


Byron Tonight: A Poet's Plays on the Nineteenth-Century Stage

Margaret J. Howell

Gordon Craig's Moscow Hamlet: a Reconstruction

Laurence Senelick

Music for London Entertainment, 1660-1800; Series A, Music for Plays 1660-1714; The Theater of Music, an Anthonology of 189 Songs

Richard Macnutt

"Fair Ophelia": A Life of Harriet Smithson Berlioz

Peter Raby

New Light on the Theatre From Wit & Mirth: or, Pills to Purge Melancholy –§– “An Awful Look Upward”: Garrick’s Advice on Delivering the Service of Common Prayer –§– The Troublesome Play: A Promptbook for Oroonoko –§– Stage Lighting at the Elizabethan and Early Stuart Courts –§– The Case of the Recusant Acrobat.


Theatre museums in the UK
Obit. Muriel St Clare Byrne, OBE (-1983)



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Wires or Strings (origins of the all-string marionette

Horace Foote (corrections)

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