Vol. 35, No. 1
pp1-48, 1981
An Interpolation in "Julius Caesar"
John L. Tearle
"Horrible Flesh and Blood"
Kristin Morrison
Another Elizabethan Stage: Further Comment
David George
Charles Ricketts's Designs for the Theatre
Sybil Rosenfeld
Multiple Settings on the Early Ninteenth-Century London Stage
Peter Winn
An Annotated Guide to the Theatrical Documents in PRO LC 7/1, 7/2 and 7/3
Judith Milhous and Robert D. Hume
Records of Early English Drama: Chester
L. M. Chopper, ed.
Shakespeare in the Theatre
Richard David
Early Music Hall in Bristol
Kathleen Barker
The Theatre Royal, Brighton
Anthony Dale
David Garrick, A Critical Biography
George Winchester Stone Jr and George M. Kahrl
Robson of the Olympic
Mollie Sands
Performance and Politics in Popular Drama
David Bradby, Louis James and Bernard Sharrett, eds
Association of Theatrical Designers (and Craftsmen)
Constance Kyrle Fletcher (-1980)
Theatre Notebook Emblem
Law Students Attendance at the London Theatre 1628-9