Vol. 23, No. 1
pp1-40, Autumn 1968
Changeable Scenery for Plays on the Caroline Stage
Kenneth R. Richards
Two Comic Opera Scene Designs
Sybil Rosenfeld
Macready, Helen Faucit, and Acting Style
Christopher Murray
John Philip Kemble's Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. An Examination of the Prompt Copies
David Rostron
There were no book reviews in this issue
Changeable Scenery for Plays on the Caroline Stage –§– Two Comic Opera Scene Designs –§– Macready, Helen Faucit, and Acting Style –§– John Philip Kemble’s Coriolanus and Julius Caesar. An Examination of the Prompt Copies.
Margaret Webster Papers
Charlotte Charke’s Narrative, 1755
Victoria and Albert Museum
Corrections to: notice of Theatre, history, criticism and reference and, review of ‘Neath the Mask