Vol. 21, No. 1
p1-52, Autumn 1966
Theatre Notebook: a Birthday Tribute
Professor Allardyce Nicoll
Prompt Book's Progress
Muriel St. Clare Byrne
The London Theatres, 1776-1800
Charles Beecher Hogan
The Study of Drama in the British Universities, 1945-1966
Glynne Wickham
Costume Research in the Last Twenty-One Years
James Laver
Juvenile Drama and Puppetry Research
George Speaight
Theatre Preservation and Design: A Decade of Development
William Kendall
English Opera Research: The Immediate Past and the Future
Eric Walter White
A Museum in the Making
Laurence Irving
Historical Research and the Circus
Anthony D. Hippisley Coxe
The Post-War Contribution to the History of British Ballet
Ivor Guest
The Irish Stage in the County Towns, 1720-1800
William Smith Clark
The Theatre Royal Bristol - Decline and Rebirth 1834-1943
Kathleen Barker
Theatergeschichte Europas Volume 7
Heinz Kindermann
Mrs Jordan: Portrait of an Actress
Brian Fothergill
Theatre Notebook Birthday Tribute –§– Prompt Book’s Progress –§– London Theatres, 1776-1800 –§– Study of Drama in British Universities, 1945-1966 –§– Costume Research in the Last 21 Years –§– Juvenile Drama & Puppetry Research –§– Theatre Preservation & Design –§– English Opera Research –§– A Museum in the Making –§– Historical Research & the Circus –§– The Post-War Contribution to the History of British Ballet.
Welcome to Bamber Gascoigne, new editor of Theatre Notebook
The STR Bulletin, no. 73
Theatrical Ballards