

8 May 2018 / Events

Annual General Meeting – Agenda

The AGM will be followed by Lolita Chakrabarti in conversation with Simon Sladen


1. To approve the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting.

2. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

3. To approve the Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes.

5. To receive the Annual Report for 2016-2017.

6. To receive the Accounts for 2016-2017.

7. Election of Officers and Committee Members:
a) To elect an Honorary Secretary for the coming year: Ms Diana Fraser is nominated by the Committee.
b) To elect an Honorary Treasurer for the coming year: Mr Geoff Davidson is nominated by the Committee.
c) To elect to full-time vacancies: The following three members now retire from the Committee in accordance with the Constitution: Professor Steve Nicholson, Dr Marion O’Connor, and Dr Michael Read. These three members are willing to offer themselves for re-election, and are so nominated by the Committee, for the term 2018-2022. There are also two vacant posts on the Committee, for which no nominations have been received.

8. Co-options: Approval is sought, in accordance with the Constitution, for the following Committee nominees to be co-opted by the Committee for the ensuing year:
a) A representative of the Theatre Collections of the Victoria and Albert Museum.
b) The Co-ordinating Editor of Theatre Notebook or his representative.
c) A representative of the Theatres Trust.
d) A representative of the New Researchers Network.
e) Dr Moira Goff.
f) Dr Anselm Heinrich.

9. Advisers
a) To appoint an Honorary Legal Adviser for the ensuing year: Mr Lee Hargreaves is nominated by the Committee.
b) To appoint an Honorary Independent Examiner: Mr Paul Barron is nominated by the Committee.

10. To receive the announcement of the Society’ Research Awards for 2018.
11. To consider any resolutions that may be submitted.

12. To transact any other business.


8 May 2018




Art Workers’ Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AR

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