27 November 2023 / New Researchers Network
NRN Call for Papers: 2-hour online workshop, celebrating 75 years of Theatre Research

New Researcher’s Network
75th Anniversary Event
2-hour online workshop, celebrating 75 years of Theatre Research
Workshop date: 4pm, Thursday 18th January
2023 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Society for Theatre Research. Since its inception, the STR have valued the history, practice, and preservation of all things related to theatre studies. As such, the New Researcher’s Network would like to invite proposals from postgraduate and early career researchers for papers or short performances that focus on the number “75” as significant in theatre studies. Contributions could, for example, focus on the last 75 years of theatre research, ’75 as a significant anniversary in an area of theatre research, or other topics where 75 as prominent for discussion. We encourage creative and thought-provoking proposals that can be research focused and/or practiced-based.
Proposals should be max. 250-words in length, explicitly stating the topic presented and how it ties into the “75” theme. Please note, if you proposal is accepted, presentations should be no longer than 5-minutes and can be a useful opportunity to practice succinctly articulating one’s research topic, similar in style to the 3MT competition.
Please include on the proposal your name, institutional affiliation if you have one (if you have no affiliation, then simply put ‘independent scholar’), the title of proposal, and 250-word abstract. Proposals should be sent to: by 5pm 8 January 2024.