

23 May 2024 / Grants and Awards

2024 STR Practitioner R&D grants announced

At the Society’s AGM on Tuesday 21st May, we were delighted to announce the following recipients of our Practitioner Research and Development Grants for 2024:

Caroline Astell-Burt
Baby – another episode of A Very British imagery: towards new puppets for a children’s Punch and Judy

Rachel Drazek
Training in Intimacy and Disability

Sophie Horrocks
Workshops and performance in Newcastle of 19th century vaudeville

Deborah Sanderson
Development of a play about Mr Pablo Fanque, A Gentleman of Colour

Karl Falconer
Skills development workshops for community theatre in the Wirral

Jennifer Kitchen
Development of a community storytelling project in the Highlands based on The Winter’s Tale

Nicola Baldwin
Research and workshop costs for a play about Ida Lupino

Julia Pascal
Research and development of a play about Claude Cahun

Reuben Sisson
Workshops and performance for and by care leavers in Hull, stories, futures and effective techniques.

Joseph Turton
Workshops applying the methods of Vakhtangov to Shakespeare

We wish them all every success and look forward to hearing all about their projects in due course.

Click here to read more about the annual Practitioner Grants.

The next round will open at the beginning of 2025 – watch out for the announcement.