16 June 2012 / News
Theatre Notebook – Vol. 66
The first issue of Volume 66 came out in April.
Herewith a list of its contents:
Margaret Gibson’s Letters to her Mother 1931-40, by Richard Purver
“Finest Printing on the Road”: The Importance of Poster Advertising for Touring Theatre Companies Around the Turn of the Twentieth Century, by Michael Diamond
The Phenomenology of Non- Theatre Sites on Audience, by Jo Newman
Book Reviews
The Cambridge Introduction to Theatre Historiography, by Thomas Postlewait
Twentieth-Century British Theatre: Industry, Art and Empire, by Claire Cochrane
New Scholars Prize 2012 (announcement)
And the latest issue (vol.66, no.2), which is about to be published:
“Books of the Songs to be Had at the Theatre”: Some Notes on Fruit Women and their Contribution to Theatre Finances, by Valerie Fairbrass
Christopher Rich – From Puritan to Theatre Manager, by Terry Jenkins
Paternity of the Siblings of Charles and Thomas Dibdin, by Keith Drummond Sharp
Going at the Theatre: Toilet Facilities in the Early Playhouses, by John H. Astington
The Proscenium Doors in The Duke’s Theatre Lincoln’s Inn Fields, by Frans Muller
Book Reviews
Collaborations: Ninette de Valois and William Butler Yeats, by Richard Allen Cave
Automata and Mimesis on the Stage of Theatre History, by Kara Reilly
The Letters of Samuel Beckett, Vol 2: 1941-1956, George Craig, Martha Fehsenfeld, Dan Gunn, Lois Overbeck (eds.)
Old Time Variety: An Illustrated History, by R. A. Baker
Music and Musicians on the London Stage, 1695-1705, by Kathryn Lowerre
Joan Littlewood’s Theatre, by Nadine Holdsworth
For more information, see Theatre Notebook home