

31 October 2023 / Conferences

Theatre after Covid: Performance in the Age of Pandemic Crisis

Saturday 4th November, all day from 9.00am

Join CSSD for the culmination of the collaborative research project Theatre after Covid between the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and LMU Munich. The conference will include a series of panel discussions and roundtable conversations with leading figures from both the UK and Germany on how the theatre industry might adapt and transform in response to the Covid-19 crisis, including work and employment structures, digitisation, funding and income generation, diversity, aesthetic trends and internationalisation.

In early March 2020, the most severe crisis to affect the performing arts since the Second World War took hold. The pandemic has provided a decisive moment to reinterpret the theatrical landscape, raising fundamental questions relating to institutional transformation that challenge precarious working models and entrenched hierarchical divides. We hope this event will provide important and detailed insights to help with planning and advocacy for the theatre sector. It will offer a timely engagement with the substantive shifts in both theatre practice and discourse that have occurred since the start of the Covid pandemic, presenting original and urgent insights into the ongoing iteration of theatre in crisis mode.


Speakers will include:

Professor Christopher Balme (project PI, LMU Munich), Professor Pascale Aebischer (University of Exeter), Dr Roaa Ali (University of Manchester), Professor Mark Banks (University of Glasgow), Dr Orian Brook (University of Edinburgh), Lyn Gardner (The Stage), Dr Karen Gray (University of Bristol), Professor Rosemary Klich (University of Essex), Professor Heidi Lucja Liedke (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt), Noel McClean (BECTU), Dr Ramona Mosse (Zurich University of the Arts), Dr Duška Radosavljević (RCSSD), Dr James Rowson (RCSSD), Claudia Schmitz (Deutscher Bühnenverein).


Photo credit: Ahn Young-joon/AP/Shutterstock

If you would like to attend, please register in advance via this Eventbrite page.