8 August 2022 / Obituaries
Robin Cave 1932- 2022 Obituary
The STR is sad to have to announce the death of Robin Cave earlier this year. Robin succeeded Geoff Davidson as Editorial Manager of Theatre Notebook in 2009 and served with quiet distinction until earlier this year when ill health forced him to relinquish the role.
Robin was a prime example of someone who worked tirelessly for the good of the society and for the satisfaction of a job well done rather than in expectation of kudos or wider recognition. His was an unglamorous role which he performed unobtrusively and effectively to the great benefit of the journal and its readers.
Robin was a native of Norfolk who had early experience of the Maddermarket Theatre before studying at Worcester College, Oxford, where he stage-managed and lit productions for OUDS. After Oxford he worked for much of his career at Unilever. Living in Islington, he soon forged a relationship with another important group, the Tower Theatre.
His dedicated years of service for Theatre Notebook involved him in much unseen work behind the scenes which benefited the journal, its contributors and its readers immeasurably. We will miss his wry humour and his special contribution to the production of the journal.
Trevor R Griffiths