Vol. 63, No. 1

Autumn 2009


  1. Spaces, Doors and Places in Early Modern English Staging 

    Tim Fitzpatrick with Daniel Johnston

    In a continuation of Ichikawa’s recent discussion in Theatre Notebook, the use of stage doors is further considered, particularly in Ben Jonson’s Epicoene, and various Shakespearean plays. The doors may be indicated to lead to various off-stage spaces, within or outside a house, and the meaning of a given door may change during a play. With the arrangement of a central opening upstage and two flanking doorways, the authors conclude that the flanking doorways had curtains. They illustrate this using the frontispiece of the 1640 edition of Jonson’s Workes, in which hangings are supported by nails.

  2. Natural-Born Showman: The Stage Career of Charles Collette, Actor & Comedian

    Bernard Ince

    Charles Collete (1842-1924) was active from 1868 to 1914, beginning with the Bancrofts and ending in The Admirable Crichton, mostly in comic roles. An extensive list of his appearances is given, though probably without all his touring dates. He married Lady Bancroft’s younger sister.

  3. Lena Ashwell and The Starlight Express

    Margaret Leask

    Actress/manager Lena Ashwell (1869-1957) managed the Kingsway Theatre from 1907. During the World War I she organised groups of actors and singers to entertain troops on the Western Front in France, in “Concerts at the Front”, for which she raised money. In 1915 she produced, as a Christmas show, The Starlight Express, a version of Algernon Blackwood’s The Prisoner of Fairyland, allowing about two months for preparation and rehearsal before opening on 29th December. She persuaded Elgar to write incidental music (his Opus 78) at very short notice, but the show ran only until 29th January 1916 and was not revived.


The Progresses, Pageants, and Entertainments of Queen Elizabeth I

Jayne Elisabeth Archer, Elizabeth Goldring, and Sarah Knight (eds.)

The Cult of Kean

Jeffrey Kahan

The Incomparable Hester Santlow: A Dancer-Actress on the Georgian Stage

Moira Goff

Jane Eyre on Stage, 1848-1898: An illustrated edition of eight plays with contextual notes

Patsy Stoneman

Henry Irving: A Re-evaluation of the Pre-Eminent Victorian Actor-Manager

Richard Foulkes ed.

The Performing Century: Nineteenth-Century Theatre's History

Tracy C. Davis and Peter Holland (eds)

The Making of Theatrical Reputations

Yael Zarhy-Levo

REED in Review: Essays in Celebration of the First Twenty-Five Years

Audrey Douglas and Sally-Beth MacLean

Spaces, Doors and Places in Early Modern English Staging –§– Natural-Born Showman: The Stage Career of Charles Collette, Actor & Comedian –§– Lena Ashwell and The Starlight Express.


Glass Plate Negatives by Bertram Park and Yvonne Gregory, acquired by the Mander &

Mitchenson Collection.

V & A Collections update.

Theatre Histories Database

“The Theatre” – Site of John Burbage’s first theatre in Shoreditch uncovered, to become the site of the (Canonbury) Tower Theatre Company’s new theatre.


Some items briefly noted.

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