Vol. 60, No. 2
pp69-126, 2006
'Greene's Baboone': Thomas Greene, Ape Impersonator?
Matt Steggle
Boyl'e Guzman At Lincoln's Inn Fields 1669
Tim Keenan
New Garrick Letters
F. P. Lock
Managing The Pantomime: Productions At The Theatre Royal Nottingham in the 1860s
Jill Sullivan
Sir Henry Irving: a Victorian Actor and his world
Jeffrey Richards
Theatre for Children and Young People: 50 years of professional theatre in the UK
Stuart Bennett ed.
Alternatives within the Mainstream: British Black and Asian Theatre
Dimple Godiwala ed.
Boston and Spalding Entertainment and the Aspland Howdens
Mervyn Gold
Lost Empires: The Phenomenon of Theatres Past, Present & Future
Nigel Fountain
Theatres of Achievement
John Higgins
‘Greene’s Baboone’: Thomas Greene, Ape Impersonator? –§– Boyl’e Guzman at Lincoln’s Inn Fields 1669 –§–New Garrick Letters –§– Managing The Pantomime: Productions At The Theatre Royal Nottingham in the 1860s
Victorian Portable Theatre
The Blue Bird