Vol. 50, No. 2
pp61-120, 1996
Women on Stage: Historiography and Feminist Revisionism
Jacky Bratton
Press > for History
Jonathan Badger
A Magnificent Obsession: Harold Hobson and Waiting for Godot
Dominic Shellard
"That Astonishing Clever Child": Performers and Prodigies in the Early Mid-Victorian Theatre
Hazel Waters
The Face of Villainy on the Victorian Stage
Jennifer Jones
"Supers" at the Lyceum
Alan Hughes
Oscar Wilde's Contract for a New Play, 1900
Russell Jackson
Playing Out the Empire: "Ben Hur" and Other Toga Plays and Films
David Mayer
Women on Stage: Historiography and Feminist Revisionism –§– Press > for History –§– A Magnificent Obsession: Harold Hobson & Waiting for Godot –§– “That Astonishing Clever Child”: Performers and Prodigies in the Early Mid-Victorian Theatre –§– The Face of Villainy on the Victorian Stage –§– “Supers” at the Lyceum –§– Oscar Wilde’s Contract for a New Play, 1900.
Royal Portraits and the Restoration Stage
Thomas Hardy on Stage
Requests for information about:
theatres in Burnley, Accrington, Nelson and Blackburn
theatrical ridgeway;
Charlotte Goodall;
Gladys Calthorp and Mercedes de Acosta;
Thomas Hutson;
Leon Dodd and Fay Lenore;
Lewis Haase;
Evelyn Mary Moore;
T. J. Burke and Jenny de Brent.
Panorama Showmen (named Poole)
Members’ Research Interests