Vol. 46, No. 2

pp57-116, 1992


  1. A Puppet's Power: George Alexander, Clement Scott, and the Replotting of Lady Windermere's Fan

    Joel H. Kaplan

  2. An Intermediate Stage Level in the Elizabethan Theatre

    Evert Sprinchorn

  3. 'William Poel's Staging of The Alchemist': Some Corrections

    Marion O'Connor


Beckett in Performance

Jonathan Kalb

Restoration and Georgian England 1660-1788

David Thomas, ed.

The Receyt of the Ladie Kateryne

Gordon Kipling, ed.

The Story of Unity Theatre

Colin Chambers

A Sampler of Plays by Women

Rhoda-Gale Pollack, ed.

A Puppet’s Power: George Alexander, Clement Scott, and the Replotting of Lady Windermere’s Fan –§– An Intermediate Stage Level in the Elizabethan Theatre –§– ‘William Poel’s Staging of The Alchemist‘: Some Corrections.


Professor Arthur Colby Sprague (c.1895-1991)
Robert Eddison, O.B.E. (d.1991)



‘The Revival of Theatre Outside London’, by Kathleen Barker

1992: Shaw and the Last Hundred Years

Toole-Stott’s Bibliography of Circus & the Allied Arts

The Palace Theatre Archive

The Corsican Brothers (comment about Barry Yzereef’s article in 46/1)

Recent Acquisitions at the Theatre Museum

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