Vol. 43, No. 1

pp1-48, 1989


  1. Research Grants 1989-90

  2. Zoffany's "Charles Macklin as Shylock" and Lord Mansfield

    Shearer West

  3. Early Playhouses at Liverpool

    David George

  4. Professor Pepper's Ghost

    George Speaight


William Poel's Hamlets; the Director as Critic

Rinda F. Lundstrom

The Shakespeare Myth

Graham Holderness, ed.

Celebration. Empire Theatre, Middlesbrough, 1897-1987

R. Woodhouse

Plays by James Robinson Panché

Donald Roy, ed.

The Prologues and Epilogues of the Restoration 1660-1700 (Part 3, 1691-1700)

Pierre Danchin, ed.

English-Canadian Theatre

Eugene Benson

Journal of Dramatic Theory and Criticism

Dept. Theatre Arts, University of Kansas

The Eighteenth-Century Pleasure Gardens of Marylebone

Mollie Sands

Themes in Drama, 9: The Theatrical Space

James Redmond

The Everyman Book of Theatrical Anecdotes

Donald Sinden, ed.


Julian Hilton

Elizabethan - Jacobean Drama: a New Mermaid Background Book

G. Blakemore, ed.

Dickens Dramatized

H. Philip Bolton

A Change of Scene. A Nostalgic Appreciation of Barrow's Theatres and Cinemas

William M. Gibbon

Research Grants 1989-90 –§– Zoffany’s “Charles Macklin as Shylock” and Lord Mansfield –§– Early Playhouses at Liverpool –§– Professor Pepper’s Ghost.


Supplement of New Titles for English Theatrical Literature

Court Ballet Designs

Thomas Abthorpe Cooper

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