Vol. 34, No. 1
pp1-48, 1980
Filippo Corsini and the Restoration Theatre
John Orrell
Offenbach in English: A Checklist
George Hauger
"If These be Truths - Farewell to Falsehoods": James Winston's Pedigree
Alfred L. Nelson and Gilbert B. Cross
Edward Saker's Revivals and Charles Kean: An Addendum
M. Glen Wilson
The Introduction of Perspective Scenery and its Effect on Theatre Forms, I
Richard Leacroft
Production of Chekhov's Plays in Britain Before 1914
Jan McDonald
Children of the Revels, the Boy Companies of Shakespeare's Time and their Plays
Michael Schapiro
English Drama and Theatre, 1800-1900. A guide to information sources
L. W. Connolly and J. P. Wearing
La Marveilleuse Histoire de Cirque
Henry Thétard, revised by L.-R. Dauven Julliard
Joe Grimaldi, His Life and Theatre (2nd ed.)
Richard Findlater
Theatre and Cinema Architecture. A Guide to Information Sources
Richard Stoddard
David Garrick Homme de Théâtre (2 vols)
Michael Perrin
Filippo Corsini & the Restoration Theatre –§– Offenbach in English: A Checklist –§– “If These be Truths – Farewell to Falsehoods”: James Winston’s Pedigree –§– Edward Saker’s Revivals & Charles Kean: An Addendum –§– The Introduction of Perspective Scenery & its Effect on Theatre Forms, I –§– Production of Chekhov’s Plays in Britain Before 1914.
Theatre Museum
Children in Arms, A Theatrical Hazard
Mr Mathews at Home
Auditorium Darkening
Vice-Chamberlain Coke’s Theatrical Papers 1705-15