Vol. 31, No. 2
pp1-48, 1977
The King's Players at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1622
T. J. King
The "Game Place" and "House" at Great Yarmouth, 1493-1595
David Galloway
The "First" Playhouse Bill: A Stage Ghost
Vincent Liesenfeld
The Ingenious Squire: New Aspects of Isaac Pocock (1782-1835)
Pieter ven der Merwe
"Disillusioned Bards and Despised Bohemians": Michael Field's A Question of Memory at the Independent Theatre Society
Jan McDonald
E. W. Godwin and the Theatre
Edward Craig
A Juvenile Drama Collection
Peter Winn
The National Museum of Music Hall
Joe Ging
The Pre-Romantic Ballet
Marian Hannah Winter
Diaghilev Observed
Nesta Macdonald
Shakespeare's Playhouse Practice
Warren D. Smith
Stage Design
Howard Bay
Drama that Smelled
Lou Warwick
Victorian Magic
Geoffrey Lamb
Wilton's Music Hall
J. S. Bratton
The King’s Players at Stratford-upon-Avon, 1622 –§– The “Game Place” and “House” at Great Yarmouth, 1493-1595 –§– The “First” Playhouse Bill: A Stage Ghost –§– The Ingenious Squire: New Aspects of Isaac Pocock (1782-1835) –§– “Disillusioned Bards and Despised Bohemians”: Michael Field’s A Question of Memory at the Independent Theatre Society –§– E. W. Godwin and the Theatre –§– A Juvenile Drama Collection –§– The National Museum of Music Hall.
NB: Uniquely, all three issues in this volume have the page range 1-48
London as a centre for drama studies
John Crowne’s City Politiques
Robert Browne (request for information)
Daniel Terry (request for information)
Kemble Family Correction