Vol. 30, No. 2
pp49-144, 1976 - bound as one issue with no. 3
Waxworks as a Source of Theatrical Iconography: Madame Tussaud's and the Nineteenth-Century British Stage
A. H. Saxon
A Lupino Collection of Costume Designs
Sybil Rosenfeld
The Source of the "Fulgens" Woodcut
Robert Mullally
The Middle of the Yard, Part II. The Calculation of Stage Sizes for English Renaissance Playhouses
Leonie Star
Tony Aston's "Medley's"
Mary A. Nickles
Tradition and Innovation in Harley Granville Barker's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
Trevor Griffiths
Thomas Arne to David Garrick, an Unrecorded Letter
P. T. Dircks
The Medieval English Stage: Corpus Christi Pageants and Plays
Alan H. Nelson
The Gaiety Years
Alan Hyman
La documentation théâtrale audio-visuelle, en particulier au service de l'enseignment at de l'animation culturelle: Actes de Xe Congrès International de la SIMBAS
Cahiers Théâtre Louvain, 1974
Waxworks as a Source of Theatrical Iconography: Madame Tussaud’s and the 19thC British Stage –§– A Lupino Collection of Costume Designs –§– The Source of the “Fulgens” Woodcut –§– The Middle of the Yard, II: The Calculation of Stage Sizes for English Renaissance Playhouses –§– Tony Aston’s “Medley’s” –§– Tradition and Innovation in Harley Granville Barker’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” –§– Thomas Arne to David Garrick, an Unrecorded Letter.
NOTE: nos 2 & 3 of vol. 30 were originally produced bound together as one, and are only available in that format – the price, however, remains as for a single issue.
An appreciation of the late Allardyce Nicoll
An Early Performance of The Factory Lad Outside London
Victorian Studies Bulletin
Letters from a Theatrical Scene Painter (Thomas William Erle)