Vol. 28, No. 2
pp49-96, 1974
E. J. Longley and the Editorship of The Theatric Tourist
Elfred L. Nelson and B. Gilbert Cross
On Editing Synge's Letters
Anne Saddlemeyer
The First Sans Souci Theatre (1791-1796)
Robert Fahrner
The Staging of the Medieval Plays of Chester: A Response
Lawrence M. Clopper
The Beaux Stratagem on the Nineteenth-Century London Stage
Barry N. Olshen
Jonson's Borrowing
Peter Walls
Madame Vestris: a Theatrical Biography
Clifford John Williams
The Theatre in Ulster
Sam Hanna Bell
English Drama 1900-1930
Allardyce Nicoll
The Staging of Plays Before Shakespeare
Richard Southern
The Eighteenth-Century English Stage
Kenneth Richards and Peter Thomson, eds
The London Stage, 1660-1800... Part 5: 1776-1800
Charles Beecher Hogan, ed.
The Development of the English Playhouse
Richard Leacroft
A Short History of Scene Design in Great Britain
Sybil Rosenfeld
Drury Lane, Three Centuries of the Theatre Royal, 1663-1971
Brian Dobbs
E. J. Longley and the Editorship of The Theatric Tourist –§– On Editing Synge’s Letters –§– The First Sans Souci Theatre (1791-1796) –§– The Staging of the Medieval Plays of Chester: A Response –§– The Beaux Stratagem on the 19thC London Stage –§– Jonson’s Borrowing.
Theatre Survey, the American Journal of Theatre History
The STR Bulletin, no. 102
George Hanlon-Lees (request for information)
Mrs Alfred Mellon (request for information)
The Biter Part
Loie Fuller, 1870-1928 (request for information)
Fortuna (re. Noble Mirror of Art)