Vol. 27, No. 1

pp1-44, Autumn 1972


  1. Macbeth in the Eighteenth Century: Should the Ghost of Banquo Appear on the Stage?

    Brian Cosgrove

  2. A Tribute to Helen D. Willard Curator, Harvard Theatre Collection, July 1, 1960 - June 30, 1972

    Marian Hannah Winter

  3. Interpolation of the Text of Everyman

    John M. Wasson

  4. John Hippisley's Earliest Farce

    Kathleen M. D. Barker

  5. Scene Designs by Hodgins the Younger

    Sybil Rosenfeld

  6. Henry Irving and Laurence Olivier as Shylock

    Richard Foulkes

  7. Was John Rich Illiterate?

    Paul Sawyer


Gilbert and Sullivan Papers

James Helyar, ed.

Samuel Phelps and Sadlers Wells Theatre

Shirley Allen

Sam. Foote, Comedian

Simon Trefman

Macbeth in the Eighteenth Century: Should the Ghost of Banquo Appear on the Stage? –§– A Tribute to Helen D. Willard Curator, Harvard Theatre Collection, 1960-1972 –§– Interpolation of the Text of Everyman –§– John Hippisley’s Earliest Farce –§– Scene Designs by Hodgins the Younger –§– Henry Irving and Laurence Olivier as Shylock –§– Was John Rich Illiterate?


The theatre district of Covent Garden and Drury Lane, London
The STR Bulletin, no. 97



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