Vol. 25, No. 4
pp117-164, Summer 1971
The Mrs Siddons of Sydney, part II
Eric Irvin
The Old Prince of Wales Theatre: A View of the Physical Structure
Richard Lorenzen
A Further Decade of English Opera, 1961-70
Eric Walter White
The Career of Frank Matcham, part II
Sean McCarthy
Survey of London, vol 35. The Theatre Royal, Drury Lane and the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden
F. H. W. Sheppard, ed.
Shakespeare und die Tradition des Volktheaters
Robert Weimann
Shakespeare's Plays Today: Customs and Conventions of the Stage
Arthur Colby Sprague
The Development of the Playhouse
Donald C. Mullin
The Mrs Siddons of Sydney, part II –§– The Old Prince of Wales Theatre: A View of the Physical Structure –§– A Further Decade of English Opera, 1961-70 –§– The Career of Frank Matcham, part II.
14th Congress of the International Theatre Institute, in London
The STR Bulletin, no. 92
Shakerley Marmion, A Fine Companion (request for information)
Group Theatre Paper (request for information)
Julia James, Gaiety Theatre, 1913 (request for information)