Vol. 16, No. 1

pp1-32, Autumn 1961


  1. Macready Prompt-Books

    Charles H. Shattuck

  2. A "Round" Outside Cornwall

    Arthur Freeman

  3. Plays on the English Stage

    William Van Lennep

  4. Entertainment for the Grand Duke of Tuscany

    James G. McManaway


Robert Armin, Shakespeare's Fool

Charles S. Felver

Charles Macklin: an Actor's Life

William W. Appleton

Survey of London (Parish of St James Westminster)

Henslowe's Diary

R. A. Foakes and R. T. Rickert, eds

The Theatre Annual 1960 (vol. 17)

John V. Falconieri and Blanche A. Corin, eds

Nijinski, a biography

Françoise Reiss

Macready Prompt-Books –§– A “Round” Outside Cornwall –§– Plays on the English Stage –§– Entertainment for the Grand Duke of Tuscany.


Art’s Council Report on Housing the Arts in Great Britain
STR Bulletin, no.53



William Schwenck Gilbert: An Anniversary Survey (ref. TN, 15/4)

Performing Arts Collections

Ringling Theatre Collection

Hroswitha’s Plays (information wanted about GB performances)

Haymarket, Theatre of Perfection (1948), correction

Charles Kemble (information wanted)

Medieval Theatre (regarding ditches and mounds)

Shakespearian prompt-books (information wanted)

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