Vol. 10, No. 4
pp101-136, Summer 1956
Photographing Old Theatres
Victor Glasstone
Charles Reade and Dickens - A Fight Against Piracy
K. J.Fielding
Notes on the Reconstruction of the Lincoln's Inn Fields Theatre
Edward A. Langhans
W. J. Lawrence: A Handlist, VIII
Bertram Shuttleworth
Scene Designs of William Capon
Sybil Rosenfeld
An English Scene Painter in America
George Speaight
Society for Theatre Research Resumé of Presidential Address, 1956
Edward J. Dent
Harley Granville Barker
C. B. Purdom
Rasser of Alsace
L. A. Triebel
Dramatic Theory: a bibliography
Compiled by Richard B. Vowles
Mediaeval Drama in Chester
F. M. Salter
Everyman and Medieval Miracle Plays
A. C. Cawley, ed.
Théatre à Saint-Domingue
Artistes et Repertoire des Scènes de Saint-Domingue
Plaisirs de Saint-Domingue
Jean Fouchard
Theatrical Companion to Maugham
Raymond Mander and Joe Mitchenson
Central and Flexible Staging
Walden P. Boyle
Photographing Old Theatres –§– Charles Reade & Dickens – A Fight Against Piracy –§– Notes on the Reconstruction of the Lincoln’s Inn Fields Theatre –§– W. J. Lawrence: A Handlist, VIII –§– Scene Designs of William Capon –§– An English Scene Painter in America –§– The Society for Theatre Research Resumé of Presidential Address, 1956.
Editorial: George Bernard Shaw Centenary
STR Bulletin, no.32
An Unrecorded Drama by John Howard Payne: The Man of the Black Forest(c.1820)
Eileen O’Malley, actress, touring in 1898-99 (information wanted)
Craig Collection: exhibition at the British Institute of Florence
Augusta Maywood (1825-?), information wanted
Contact Between Theatrical Collectors