Register of First Performances of English Operas and Semi-operas from the 16th Century to 1980

compiled by Eric Walter White

A Register of First Performances was originally planned as an appendix to White’s History of English Opera, published in the same year. With the STR’s support, this publication was able to stand alone as a record of the first performances of operas and semi-operas from the 16th century to 1970. It includes any opera written by a British composer to an English libretto, and semi-operas defined as works which include a reasonable proportion of vocal music.

Hardback; 136 pp, ISBN 085430 036 8

A record of the first performances of operas and semi-operas from the 16th century to 1970, including any opera written by a British composer to an English libretto, and semi-operas defined as works which include a reasonable proportion of vocal music

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