

23 December 2013 / Call for Papers

Call for Performances: IFTR Warwick Open Mic

The IFTR is delighted to announce that as part of the IFTR Warwick World Congress in 2014 (28th July – 1st August) they will be hosting Open Mic sessions, offering individuals or groups the opportunity to showcase work in an informal environment with an audience of scholars and practitioners from over 60 countries. The Open Mic slots, pioneered at the Barcelona IFTR conference in 2013, are open for applications from conference participants, as well as local artists and students. Whilst there is no cost for participants to produce work for the Open Mic sessions, unfortunately there is no payment or reimbursement either.

Proposals for Open Mic may include:
• Short performances or works-in-progress
• Samples of your approach to creative process
• Exercises and approaches to pedagogy
• Descriptions of projects
• Screenings of short documentaries or filmed work

Proposals for Open Mic should be simple and take into account the potential technical limitations of space. We have a range of possible venues available indoors, outdoors and on screen. Get-in for each performance is likely to be a maximum of 5 minutes. Performances proposed should be no more than 15 minutes in length. We will accept proposals until March 21st 2014.

Submission of proposals
In the case of international proposals, you must be registered as a conference participant. Local artists and students may send proposals without being registered for the conference, but if you wish to participate in the rest of the conference you will need to go through the registration process.

Please submit your proposal by email to before March 21st 2014. Proposals should include a brief description of the proposed piece (max. 300 words). We suggest you also include some pictures, links or other audio-visual material. We will try to accommodate as many proposals as possible, but will make our final selection based on relevance to the theme of the conference. For more information on the conference and its theme please visit the conference website.

If you have any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on:

All Best Wishes
David Coates
IFTR Administrator