

8 January 2018 / Call for Papers

Call for Papers

Theatre Notebook is planning a special issue on the theme of ‘Ma(r)king Time’ to celebrate the seventieth anniversary of the Society for Theatre Research in 2018.

We invite essays concerned with, for example, and by no means exclusively: times of performances (daytime, evening, late night, night time, dawn, sunset); duration of performances (seconds, hours, days, intervals); frequency of performances (short runs, long runs, festivals, The Mouse Trap); anniversary performances and commemorations of historical events; time-specific performances; technologies of time; methods of changing the age of actors in performance; the dramatic representation of compressed or dilated time; the staging of urgency; the timing of back-stage activities; seasons and seasonality.

Our remit is the History and Technique of the British Theatre, so we do not publish work solely concerned with dramatic literature.

Closing date for entries to be received at is 28 June 2018.
Essays must not exceed 6000 words and must use the current version of the MLA guidelines on scholarly presentation. Entrants must take great care to ensure that their essay does not allow them to be identified by their readers.