30 September 2019 / Call for Papers
Call for Papers: Musical Theatre In Process

NB we are trying to arrange skype or zoom for US participation in the whole event
This one-day symposium explores the processes used in the creation of new musical theatre. Rather than advocating for a particular method in the form of a ‘how to’ guide or analysing performances of new works this symposium encourages practitioners and academics to reflect on existing processes in the development or creation of their own or other peoples’ practices. It is designed to draw attention to the diversity of models for creating new work. The symposium is the starting point for developing a series of short edited works in a mixed media format (allowing for a range of different styles of submission).
Topics are likely to focus on, but need not be limited to the following themes:
Media/Technology: How has changing technology/new media impacted on the writing process or on the structure / content of a new musical?
Identity / Hybridity: How does a piece of new musical theatre writing reflect the multiple or hybrid identities of contemporary society?
Form/Structure: What are the formal structures used in a contemporary work of musical theatre and how does the form relate to the content being explored?
Collaboration: What collaborative processes have been instrumental in the development of a new work of musical theatre – how does the collaboration work and how was it transformative on the finished work?
Keynote speaker: Georgia Stitt (Snow Child, Big Red Sun, The Danger Year, Blue Ridge Sky, The Water, Samantha Space: Ace Detective and Mosaic) convenor of Maestra.
Location: The Other Palace, London
Date: 22nd November 2019: 10.00 – 16.30
Presentation Formats:
We invite contributions from composers, book writers, lyricists, dramaturgs and other practitioners as well as academics either as 20 minute presentations, panels, Q&A sessions or other formats. It is also possible to present via Skype (or other technology) from the US or elsewhere.
Each presentation is likely to focus on one project that the presenter has created/observed/analysed/researched, and can speak about in relation to the processes of its development. Please feel free to contact the convenors to discuss possible formats or ideas.
To apply to speak please send a 250 word abstract outlining what you would like to contribute/what questions you are exploring along with a short biography (100 words max) to the organisers by Tuesday 1st October 2019. There will also be opportunities to attend the event and contribute to the open discussions – that will be advertised further after 1st October.
For more information please contact: or