

19 June 2012 / News

Archive Closures

With the summer fast approaching, many researchers will be preparing to get on with their own projects during the vacation period. There are, however, some closures of facilities of which you might need to be aware.

The Theatre Collections at the V&A
As advised earlier this year, the reading room services at Blythe House will be CLOSED from 4 June to 10 August 2012 inclusive, as building work begins on a new textile study centre. The Theatre & Performance dept were hoping to offer a limited reading room service in an alternative location at Blythe House to fulfil the most urgent access requests during this closed period. Please check directly with them before making plans.

The Bristol University Theatre Collection
This other major resource is also closed for a period, for refurbishment of the premises. The closure is already in effect and will last until mid-October.

The Royal Opera House Archives
These too are currently closed to external researchers, due to staff changes. The closure is with immediate effect and they are not sure when they will be able to re-open to external researchers. Although still answering enquiries from associated organisations, they are unable to answer academic or general interest enquiries.